Tuesday, May 21, 2013

It's Been Awhile...

Hey guys, sorry it's been so long. Been busy I'll give you a quick update before we get down to business.

I found a job! Workin for an interior systems company near my hometown. :) but because I was laid off for 5 weeks, money is really really tight. I'm umpiring Rec League baseball for money and am actually starting to give pitching lessons this weekend as well.

Um, The Girlfriend and I broke up. It sucks but it is what it is. I ended up spending $4500 in 4 months paying bills in her name and on things we needed / wanted for the place. That was my entire life savings. There is nothing left in case I get laid off or have a rough month on bills.  That's part of the reason we broke up. But at the same time, it felt like she was taking advantage of my kindness.

 I mean, the girl I was with before her, we split because after 6 months of fighting she was doing nothing with her life. She just lived with and off of her parents and was completely content with it. I have bigger dreams than that. Sorry. So with the most recent girlfriend, things were good while I was working and even though she told me she was still searching hard for a job, I found out recently that reality was that she had sort of lost interest and didn't make a big deal of it until I got laid off.

I called in a favor to get her a job. She wrote a blog saying how excited she was and how she had to be at work in "X" number of hours. If you do the math from that many hours from the time stamp you get 10 am. She told me she worked at 2 pm. She got a call the next day saying that she should have been at work already and that they were just going to pick a better suited person for the job. Boom. She got fired. I am not sure if it is a weird coincidence that she was supposed to be there at 10 and her blog shows (by using some simple math) that she should have been there at 10. But somehow, she thought 2 pm. Which apparently was supposed to be her finish time according to her should be employer.

Well we moved back to my hometown. After spending all that money paying the rent at her place and all the bills and whatnot, we still ended up leaving early on the lease. She still ended up taking on the debt that I was trying so hard to stop her from having. She didn't even take my advice on telling the landlord that we were leaving or on cleaning the place up before we left. So she got a bill and is awaiting a court date. We were informed of this all by her ex fiance and his friend (who weren't supposed to know where I live) showing up on my doorstep to tell us. It's about an hour drive from where he lives...

Then after we were moved in, everything finally settled down. I went to go train with the Marine Corps. The first day I get there, she sends me a text. It's a picture. Of my Jeep. With the radiator exposed and no lights. Apparently the whole front end "just fell off". Magically the bumper pushed itself in and the paint on the drivers side wheel well must have just appeared as well... But at least she ordered the parts... Kind of...
I ended up with $120 in parts with a $70 shipping fee to a Jeep that is a completely different model than the one I have. Not a single part fits. Nor can I force it to. I called the Jeep dealership. They wanted $1500 for the parts new. After making phone calls, driving and looking, and then ultimately driving a 4 hour round trip ride to spend $300 on the parts.

And last but not least. I was at a friends house recently. This is after the ex girlfriend and I broke up (she is however still living with me). At my friends apartment complex, there is apparently a designated visitor parking area. She told me I'd be fine parked out front of her apartment. That nothing would happen, and if it did, she knew the maintenance guy who lived in the place right next to hers. She could get me out of any trouble that could be caused. I woke up the next morning with the Jeep I just fixed attached to the back of a tow truck. To make a long story short, my friend couldn't get me out of it and I ended up spending $145 to get the guy to unhook the chain. My friend apologized profusely and told me that she would pay me back for it that night because it was her fault. Well, when I talked to her later on and asked, she sent me this "Should I really have to pay for it though?" Why yes, yes you should. You were the one that told me it would be ok and it wasn't. It's your fault. Now fix what you broke. She never paid me because I got so fed up with it that I just told her to go away and never come back.

Now, I told you that story to tell you this one. The ex girlfriend and my friend are like super best friends in the world now. The ex girlfriend even had my friend do a tattoo and has plans for her to do an entire side piece. This is the most awkward thing I have ever had happen to me. Someone I don't like because of how I was treated and now the ex girlfriend is telling me how she cares about me and only wants what's best for me and the whole time hanging out with someone that cost me my rent money? Seriously? It's ridiculous and quite honestly just serves to piss me off.

OK well I'm ending things here. I'm just getting frustrated and upset. I about threw my laptop across the room a couple of times already. Sorry, I know I said it would be quick and we'd get down to business but this took way longer and served to be a longer story than I thought. I'll save the non personal portion for it's own unique blog tomorrow. Thanks for tuning in and reading about my failing life. Stay tuned for more episodes...