Sunday, June 9, 2013


OK, so here it is guys. As with my last post, I'm very sorry I haven't been writing blogs more frequently. Life just gets in the way sometimes ya know? I am going to be out of town for two weeks starting Thursday but when I get back I'm going to try and write blogs on an at least semi-regular basis.

Anywho, this one is going to be about responsibility. Now, I'm not the oldest or wisest person in the world, but I like to think, and I have been told, I'm pretty good at managing my responsibilities. I attribute this ability to my parents. Now if you've read my blog at all, you know what's been going on in my life. There's a blog or two about my folks and they weren't under the best of conditions. However, I attribute this ability to prioritize my day to them. They always told me "You've got to do what you've got to do before you can do what you want to do." This statement is so ridiculously true it's not even funny.

Lately I've run into some people who desperately need to meet my mother and take her lesson on responsibility. There are certain things that you absolutely need to do before you go out and do anything for fun.

  1. The first thing you must do is make sure all of your stuff that you've pulled out is cleaned up. Seriously. If you use something, for example a dish. When you're done eating off of that dish, just put it in the sink. How hard is that?
  2. Make sure that nobody is depending upon you to do something. If there is somone waiting for something from you, then don't leave without at least sending a text telling them what's up first. Or actually, they just came out with this new technology. You see, if you press the numbers on your phone in the correct sequence and hit the green button, you can actually hear someone else and have a conversation with them. crazy huh? It's amazing the technology that is available now...
  3. Check your financial status. It's not the smartest idea to go out and spend money if you don't have money to spend. You need to make sure that you have the money to pay bills. Bills are more important than anything you would ever go out and spend money on.
Now, I honestly don't think that these things are really all that hard. It's mostly common sense if you ask me. I am not anyone's parent. It is not my responsibility to remind you to pick up your mess. I'm not your mother telling you to clean your room or you're grounded. It's not high school anymore folks. It's the real world, and the real world doesn't give two shits about you. It's about time to grow up and be a big kid "I'm a big kid now" (sorry, song popped into my head lol). It only gets harder from here. I promise...

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