Saturday, July 20, 2013

Shooting of Trayvon Martin

OK Ya'll. Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. Something really bothered me today so I thought I'd share some of it with you.

I saw a video that popped up on my Facebook news feed by an artist called Rukus. It's a song titled "I Think I'm Trayvon". After hearing about this almost constantly for a couple of weeks now, I thought I'd enlighten the world on the facts as well as my view of the shooting.

First, a little background on the neighborhood where it happened.

The neighborhood where George Zimmerman shot Trayvon Martin is a 260 unit gated town-home community. according to the latest census, the population of this community is 49% White, 23% Hispanic, 20% Black, and 5% Asian (I cannot for the life of me figure out what the missing percentage is, sorry). Now, from January 1, 2011 to the day of the shooting on February 26, 2012, the police were called to the neighborhood 402 times. In the same time there were 8 burglaries, 9 thefts, 1 shooting, and "dozens" of reported attempted break-ins. In response to the high amount of crime in the recent year, the residents created a neighborhood watch effective as of September 2011 with George Zimmerman as the Coordinator.

Now a little background on the people involved:

George Zimmerman

George Zimmerman, 28 at the time of the shooting, is a mixed race hispanic gentlemen who is (as previously stated) the Coordinator of the neighborhood watch. He was raised as a Catholic by his parents in his home state of Virginia. He worked at the time as an insurance underwriter and was in his final semester of an associates degree in Criminal Justice at Seminole State College. He participated in a citizens forum at Sanford City Hall to protest the beating of a black homeless man by the son of a white Sanford Police Officer in early 2011 where he called the officers behavior "disgusting" and described them as lazy. He does have a small record with the law to include assault on an officer at age 21 while a friend was being questioned for underage drinking and a restraining order from an ex-fiance for domestic violence. When this was brought up in court, it was labeled as "run of the mill" offenses and was not considered as proof that he was violent in any way. In November of 2009, Zimmerman got his carry permit as personal protection from a stray pitbull in the neighborhood that was vicious and had previously cornered his wife. During the 18 months prior to the shooting, he had called the police non-emergency line 7 times to report a suspicious person. Not once did he give the persons race prior to being prompted for it by the dispatcher.

Trayvon Martin

Trayvon was a 17 year old black man who was temporarily staying with his father's fiance in the neighborhood where he was shot. His parents had divorced in 1999. His English teacher described him as an A/B student who majored in cheerfulness. Although he had no criminal record, he had been suspended 3 times and was currently suspended at the time of the shooting. The first one for tardiness/truancy, the second for graffiti (Painted "W.T.F." on a door in a restricted area of the school), and the third for having a marijuana pipe and a bag with marijuana residue in it. During his second suspension, police searched him trying to find paint markers and found a screwdriver and women's jewelry which he claimed was given to him by a friend. On the night of the shooting, he was out late at night in the dark while it was raining suspiciously looking at the houses in the neighborhood.

The Shooting

At approximately 7:09 PM EST George Zimmerman called the police non-emergency line and reported a suspicious male walking around looking at houses in the rain. He made the call from his car but when the suspect began running, he got out of the car and followed him. Immediately after the call ended, an altercation happened between Zimmerman and the man (Trayvon Martin). Witnesses say that Zimmerman was on the bottom of a fight taking "MMA Style" punches and screaming for help. While one person was on the phone with the police on a 911 call, a gunshot went off. At 7:17 PM EST Officers arrive on the scene and see Trayvon lying facedown in the grass and Zimmerman standing near by. Zimmerman told the police that he had shot Trayvon once with his 9 mm handgun and was cooperative when he was handcuffed and disarmed. He was treated for his injuries which included a bloody nose and bleeding from the back of his head, after which he was taken back to the police station and questioned for 5 hours. Police officers released Zimmerman saying that the evidence was insufficient to arrest him and that it led to the fact that he was acting in self defense.

Issues I have with this shooting.

  1. The police officers said he was innocent and acted in self defense
  2. He followed the correct procedure as a member of the neighborhood watch in dealing with a suspicious person(s)
  3. He obviously lost the fist fight seeing as he had a bloody (and more than likely broken) nose and a bashed up head while the only mark on Trayvon was a beat up knuckle
  4. The cry about this is "racism" while Zimmerman is a mixed race Hispanic gentleman
  5. This is a local matter and has been blown out of proportion by the media during a time where the nation was looking at a national weapons ban and has contiued cries of racism
This seems to me like a clear cut case of self defense. Zimmerman was acting well within his rights as a member of the neighborhood watch. He saw a suspicious man walking around in a hoodie with the hood up in the rain looking at houses in the middle of the night. Sounds pretty suspicious to me. He had a weapon on him that is a run of the mill self defense weapon and was carrying it within his legal grounds under the second amendment and the laws of the state of Florida. He lost the fight seeing that his nose was probably broken and the back of his head had obviously been bashed against the ground a few too many times so seeing that his life was in jeopardy, he used lethal force. The local police that conducted the investigation did not intend to further pursue Zimmerman and the only reason anything further than that night was pursued was because of the family accusing the police and others of wrong doing. I guess if you whine loud enough and long enough you can get anything done in this country now can't you? It should never have gone beyond that night and it definitely shouldn't be something I'm writing a blog about. It's not that big of a deal to America. People get shot every day in this country. White guys shoot Black guys, Black guys shoot White guys. It's not racist. It's just criminal. 

Now here's the link to the video from Rukus, got a few things to say about that too...

Rukus, please read the entire blog. Refer to the last paragraph, specifically the last few sentences. Trayvon Martin didn't exactly have the best background and was implied as a burglar and thief during his second suspension from school. Have you ever burglarized or stolen? Is that why you think you're Trayvon? 

A light skinned kid from Chicago eh? I'm one of those light skinned kids from chicago. Are you saying that if a black guy from Gary, Indiana (very close to where I live) shoots me down in the street, that it wouldn't be a big deal? Is it only a big deal if a mixed race Hispanic man (not a white guy) shoots a black kid that is suspended from school for the third time, who was acting suspiciously, and attacked and beat the living crap out of him?

Now as for President Obama being Trayvon, I find that disrepectful good sir. I am not the president's biggest supporter by any means, I however would not compare him to Trayvon Martin. The only thing that they have in common is race. The Honorable Mr. Obama is not a burglar or a thief. He does not walk around suspiciously at night in the rain wearing a hoodie with his face hidden. I think you should really think about what you say before you say it.

The rest of the song is just racist talk but there is one more thing I'd like to point out. White boy named billy with blonde hair and blue eyes. I guess all of us white guys are representative of Hitler the the Third Reich right? I guess that we are all just racist bigot pigs aren't we? You say in the description to the song 

"I don't think the justice system is "broken" persay...I think we as people and our values are. Until we accept that we have a problem, that we are not raised "fair", but have to be educated to be fair...nothing will change. I know alot of people forget these things after a few days. I don't. I know it could be me, or my brother, or my future son. Its frightening, heartbreaking, and frustrating."

and I would agree with that. However, I don't think that it's "the man keepin a brotha down". You yourself could use some educating sir. Black men and women have been given a lot of opportunities that white men and women haven't got. Can I get a scholarship to college for being white? No. But if I were black I could. There have to be a certain amount of non white people in just about everything now. If the white guy is more fit for the job or had better grades and did more athletics in high school, then why should he not get the spot? Because they have to have so many non white people there. Things in the real world are as fair as they get. If anything, it's not good to be white anymore. Look at our society. It's cool to be ghetto. It really is. How many people do you see in the hood wearing cowboy hats and how many do you see with their pants at their knees, air jordans. baggy tshirt, flat bill hat cocked sideways? Now which do you see portrayed in the media? It's cool to be ghetto, It's cool to get things for free from the government and not work and earn it, It's cool to be a waste.

Now I am not racist. I have a pretty equal racial divide among my group of friends. I hate the fact that I feel persecuted just because I'm white. Is it payback for slavery hundreds of years ago? I don't know about you guys, but my momma always taught me that two wrongs don't make a right. Is it because if you cry and whine enough you don't have to work for it? That's laziness. That's not the American Dream. The Dream is coming to America where you can be treated equally and have to work harder than the guy next to you to get the nicer car or phone or house. A place where you earn a living and a job that provides you things like healthcare benefits (notice they're called benefits not rights). This country is turning into a bunch of people (no offense) like Rukus who cry racism or whine because you're not being treated "equally" when in reality you are. Get over it folks. This is getting ridiculous.

That's all for now. Sorry for the bit of ranting but I'm really just gettin tired. Leave me a comment or send me an email to!


  1. here's some more for ya. Bill Whittle from PJTV says it way better than I can.

  2. The thing about understanding art is ensuring you have the facts straight. Unlike you in regards to my lyrics, I did know the facts of Trayvon's case. My issue is not with the justice system - as a college educated man that has been around the world in several 2nd and 3rd world countries, I feel the US has one of the best justice systems in the world. The point of the song is that the true issue is our biases and prejudices against each other. Verse 1 is just rewinding the scenario. Verse 2 is giving hypothetical context of how the scenario could be if the fictional character was a young Obama in the violent Chicago streets. Verse 3 gives the hypothetical of a young white man with an equally "edgy" look in the same scenario. I don't offer the answer of what would happen - I ask the question of how we feel about who we define as "dangerous"...I also call into question the disturbing ratio of whom police brutality is carried out against.
    I refer to myself as Trayvon because I have been physically acosted by the police before, while in fact wearing a hoodie - when I have no criminal record, an outstanding and exemplary academic record, and a college education. I also happen to have worked as an executive for a Fortune 500 company and to come from a family where everyone has at least 2 degrees. The point is that my credentials are out the window and my character is out the window because of a combination of biases based on "hip-hop culture" and the style of dress associated with that as well as the sore subject of the color of my skin.
    The truth is that no one knows what happened between George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin, but what we do know from the information that has been gleaned is that a judgement was made by Zimmerman to examine Trayvon not solely on the crime statistics of that neighborhood, but by his style (hip-hop), race (black), and demeanor. That falls under the terms of "profiling". Its led to alot of unnecessary deaths and will probably continue to...

    My song is simply my personal opinions and emotions based on the FACTS, encouraging people to skip the examination of the verdict and focus on the problem which is the biases we choose to live with.

  3. And here are the lyrics so there is no confusion:

    This one's for the broken hearts [3x]

    What if this was all different?
    the bullet returned right back to the gun,
    The breath returns back to the Martin's son,
    George Zimmerman never dials 911,
    The dispatch never says "Please don't follow",
    We never have to think Oscar Grant or Diallo,
    And the kid with the hoodie goes back to the corner,
    -Bag full of skittles, can of Arizona,
    Rewind for the people that pray he in Heaven,
    Crying in the church while they listen to the reverend,
    February 26th, a quarter past 7,
    He would never even enter inside a 7-11
    Back with his father, back with his mother,
    back with his girlfriend, he tell'er he love her,
    Back before calling, before she discovered
    That life isn't fair, but its fairer to others,

    So I think I'm Trayvon
    Yeah, I must be Trayvon
    Watch police say I'm dangerous,
    Cuz I'm black, and my jeans hang below my hips
    Is he blood or crip, is he gonna rob a chick,
    It doesn't matter if you're shot, they'll just acquit.

    What if this was all different?
    A light skinned kid in Chicago,
    He doing a little community service, he stopped at the store for some caramels,
    Got a couple of smokes, said "hello" to folks,
    Cashier love him cuz he always told 'em a joke,
    He was feeling cold, and it was bout to rain,
    And so he wore this hoodie, it had his college name,
    He had been studying hard, so his eyes were red,
    Couldn't wait to sleep, its like he missed his bed,
    And his phone rings, his bestfriend,
    His girlfriend, she on the west end,
    Her name's Michelle, she's smart as hell,
    She believe in him, she wanna see him win,
    But there's a Zimmerman, thinking he's a thug...
    See, even Obama would've caught a slug.

    So I think he's Trayvon
    Yeah, the President's Trayvon
    Watch police say he dangerous,
    With his hoodie on, and those blackened lips
    Is he blood or crip, is he gonna rob a chick,
    It doesn't matter if you're shot, they'll just acquit.

    What if this was all different?
    A white boy named Billy, just stopped by the store,
    He's wearing a hoodie he got from the Gap,
    And his bootcut jeans be touching the floor,
    Just a coke bottle and some starbursts,
    He wanna scoop his girl, he need a car first,
    So he just walk for now, and they be talking how,
    He telling her he love her, he gonna take her out,
    So is he dangerous, I mean the same kid,
    I mean he's white, but he speak the same language,
    And his hair is blonde and his eyes are blue,
    Is he a threat to me, is he a threat to you,
    And if he's not then why, question your mind,
    - How come the police never kill his kind…
    (Fast) If a murder happens but nobody saw it when it did
    Then I guess you can kill a black kid

    So I guess I'm Trayvon
    Yeah, I must be Trayvon
    Watch police say I'm dangerous,
    Cuz I know too much and I speak of it
    Is he blood or crip, is he gonna rob a chick,
    It doesn't matter if you're shot, they'll just acquit.

    Maybe he's not Trayvon
    White boys ain't Trayvon
    Watch police say he innocent,
    Cuz he's white, and his tats ain't significant
    He must be lost or something, lets help 'em quick
    And if he's not, don't shoot, they will convict

    For the broken hearts,
    This one's for the broken hearts
    This one's for the broken hearts

  4. I really don't think that the whole situation happened because he was black or because he was wearing a hoodie or anything to do with racial or hip hop stereotypes. I honestly think that it was because it was late, dark, rainy, and he was acting suspiciously. I really truly and honestly don't think that anything here had to do with his color or clothing. I mean, look at the background of Zimmerman. He had called the same non emergency line before for almost the exact same situation before. The only difference is that he didn't follow and he wasn't assaulted.

  5. Just out of curiosity, what is your degree in?

  6. Now, 1st verse, like you said was just recounting a small part of the situation. There is no accusations or assumptions made here.

    2nd Verse is where you say you create a fictional situation where The Honorable Mr. Obama is in the place of Trayvon Martin. Now this is what I see a problem with. In the events of that night, Trayvon Martin assaulted George Zimmerman. Probably because of the drugs he was doing. (This is factual. The skittles, Arizona, and Robitussin Cough Syrup create a drug.)Now, to say that "See, even Obama would've caught a slug" implies that The President would have acted the same way. I'm not so sure I'm a fan of that. I am a U.S. Marine and I ultimately answer to the Commander in Chief. I really hope that he isn't the kind of guy that would act like Trayvon Martin did that night. That translates into a lot of my brothers and possibly myself being dead.

    Now the 3rd verse. The scenario is the same yet again, except in this one the kid is a white kid. Now, refer to what I said about the 2nd verse. If he was acting the same way that Trayvon was, then yeah he's potentially dangerous and I would be cautious. I don't care what color his skin is, if he (or she as to not be sexist) is walking around in the dark, while it's raining, lookin at houses in an unfamiliar neighborhood then I personally would call the cops and keep eyes on him or her until they arrived.

    I mean let's put this all in perspective. You are driving home to see your wife and kids. There's been a lot of thefts in the area lately and you are the head of the neighborhood watch. You see a kid walking around in the rain late at night looking at homes that belong to your friends and neighbors. You've never seen this kid before and don't know where he's from or where he's going. What would you do? Just drive past? That would be irresponsible.

    One of my favorite quotes:
    "The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."
    -Edmon Burke

    George Zimmerman did the responsible thing and tried to handle a situation before it got out of hand. Was it profiling? Yes. It absolutely was. However, it was not based on his race or clothing style. It was based on his less than ideal actions. Trayvon Martin responded to this in an immature and childish way. He started a fight. That's high school bullshit. The real world doesn't work like that. It isn't like hockey where you can get in a fight and just sit in the penalty box for a couple minutes. In the real world, if you are beating someone and tell them that you are going to kill them, they're going to respond with lethal force. It's you or them. Being a Marine I understand this concept. Only one person is going to go home to their family at the end of the day and I'll be damn sure it's me by any means necessary.

    So if you want to disagree with me then that's fine. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I just don't think that the situation was seen from both sides of the fence before you wrote about it. Sorry to hear that you feel that you have been profiled before, but can I ask what you were doing when you were assaulted? You may have been profiled. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, it absolutely does. I'm saying that just because a black kid in a hoodie got shot doesn't make it racial or stereotypical profiling.

  7. The reason that rap and hip hop is so often profiled is summed up in this video...

    It's a rap battle. There's a 14 year old kid who in my opinion won the battle, but if I talked like that at 14 my momma would have slapped the taste right out of my mouth. The popular rap and hip hop artists most commonly promote negative actions. I.E. Murder, Drug Use, Promiscuity, Domestic Violence, Etc. Find me a country song that promotes this as a good thing...

    Not saying that it's right or wrong, just saying that I understand where the inception of this kind of thing comes from.
