Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Gender Roles

Ok so to segway out of the past few posts without completely changing the subject I'm going to talk about Gender Roles.

A lot of this stems from a conversation or two the girlfriend and I have had about what roles each person has in a relationship. Now there are different theories that come from different things such as how you were raised, where you were raised, whether or not you have rebelled against what society thinks, etc. I personally was raised on the "old-school" theories but I also add in a bunch of things that today's society has become accustomed to.

I always pay for everything. Girls HATE it. lol I don't think that most women I've dated actually hate it but they at least say that they do. It's part of how I was raised. That's why. I just have always seen it as part of courting a lovely lady. If you want to prove to a girl that you have feelings for her, then take care of her. Step 1 in that is providing, even if it's only when you're on a date.

I always try to open up doors and take off jackets. It's more of a sign of respect and admiration than anything. Perhaps it goes back to the "taking care of her" idea. I don't know. It's just always something I've done. I can't say for sure, but it seems to be working out pretty well so far. :)

Now, after you've passed the "puppy love" phase and start getting a little more serious, the conversation changes to who makes the money and who cleans the house. I personally believe that every woman should have the capability of being independent. She should have some sort of job that brings money into the household, even if that money just goes to a "vacation fund" or turns into "fun money". Having a job just shows the man that you are not helpless. It shows that you are willing to help out if necessary. It also provides a little bit of cushion room in the budget in case of emergencies and in my case with my career, lay offs.

As for cleaning, I do believe that a woman should do most of the cleaning in the house. Not to say that a man shouldn't help. That is all situation depending. If a woman has a job and is contributing monetarily, then she is entitled to help from her husband in cleaning. However, if a woman will / can not get a job then she should contribute to the relationship by cleaning the house. Not being sexist. I swear. I'm just pointing out the fact that it's not fair for a man to go and work hard every day to come home and split the chores while a woman only does half the chores and doesn't have a job.

To make a long story short,

  • a man is the primary breadwinner but should be assisted by the woman
  • the cleaning should be the balance point of how much each person is putting into the relationship
  • a man should try and "win over" his woman every day by treating her like a lady
  • a woman should always be willing to help her man and always show him love (and vise versa on the last part lol)
Sorry if this offended anyone, just personal opinions. It's how I was raised. I'm a country boy at heart who was raised in the city. I'm going to have some "old school" opinions and habits. That's how us country folk are. :)

Feel free to comment! Just please remember to be respectful and keep the comments on topic with the post please :) I'd love to hear feedback from you!

Email me with ideas for blogs that you'd like to hear about :) jkwgup@gmail.com

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