Sunday, April 21, 2013

Stolen Valor

OK ya'll, Here's a story that comes real close to making me go find people and beat the sense into them.

Subject: Stolen Valor

One of the most frustrating things I have seen on my computer screen lately is people who want to make up stories of fighting in the desert and getting wounded and being this big war hero. If you didn't do it, then don't say you did. There are countless stories that people have made up. Now, if it's a sly comment made in a bar or somewhere to get that cute girl to talk to you, then I'll let it go. I understand that you're completely uninteresting and have nothing going for your fat nasty ass so you have to make something up to get laid. I almost feel bad for you. Now as for the other things that have been coming across my screen, you folks are Grade A shitbags. I seriously dislike you. If I ever met you, I'd personally beat the hell out of you. Then maybe you'll have some "cool" scars to show off.

Here are some examples...

1) Craig Pusley
        This winner decided to put on a Marine Corps Desert Utility Uniform and stand guard outside Hughson Elementary School in California. His story was simple, he was standing guard at the school immediately following the Sandy Hook shooting. Sounds believable right? I mean the Marines are good hearted folks that would do anything they could to help keep 'Merica safe. There's just a few problems here with his story...

  • Marines don't wear camouflage utilites in public. It doesn't happen. I am a US Marine Reservist. I can't even go buy a pack of smokes on the way home from drill if I'm in uniform.
  • His original story is that he was discharged after an injury sustained in combat, later on says that he is a reservist.
  • There's more, best embodied by this video ---->Shitbag Craig Pusley
2) Jeffrey Scott Kepler
        This guy decided that healthcare was too expensive so he'd just get it free from the VA. He stole over $100,000 from the VA in healthcare services. A couple of issues that this brings up.
  • First of all it's wrong. If you don't rate benefits from the VA which is intended for veterans then don't take them. If you haven't earned it, then you don't rate. Sorry. Deal with it. I'm in the reserves and don't rate a lot of VA benefits. Why should you?
  • Guys that do things like this make it much harder for people who rate these benefits to get the benefits they need. Now there's going to be a much lengthier screening to make sure that you really are who you are and that you rate all the benefits you are applying for. You may even get disqualified for certain ones because of mix ups in all the extra paperwork. Who knows?
Here's the link about this twat waffle. Many more if you keep reading... ---->Jeffrey Scott Kepler "The Twat Waffle"
3) Rick Duncan
        This guy had good intentions (in my own opinion), at least in the beginning. However, he went about it the wrong way. He posed as a former Marine in order to create an organization to help veterans. Fair enough. See where you were going with that............But I still wanna beat the hell out of you for doing it. A few issues yet again.
  • He claims to have been in a battle related incident where he was seriously injured. He claims to have a partial cranial replacement, a fake hip, a finger blown off, partial fake ribs, and a couple pieces of metal left in him that he calls "internal body bling". OK now, there is no fake ribs made to my knowledge, he has all his fingers (I do believe they're rather hard to reattach when you lose it in an explosion and likely can't find it), and if I ever hear anyone call shrapnel wounds internal body bling I'll personally fly anywhere in the country to slap the shit out of you. There are men and women who actually have shrapnel still in their bodies and they actually got injured and went through the pain and torment of battle. That's just disrespectful.
  • The Colorado Veterans Alliance is kind of a sham. This was a way for him to be noticed by Military and Political leaders. He used some of the money raised through the CVA to endorse political candidates (mostly democrats from my understanding) and even appeared in a tv ad for a candidate. 

There's a whole shit pot more fakers out there. Here's a video that kind of shows how many people actually fake it out there.  ------> Don Shipley US Navy Seal Testimony

If you ever run into anyone who is absolutely faking their story, call them out on it. If you run into a story that just seems kind of off, ask more about it. If you get the details and they don't add up then you'll know it's a fake. There are so many things wrong with it. If you have any respect for military veterans then stop the fakes. It's ridiculously disrespectful. 

As pissed off as I am about the subject of this whole post, I can't leave you off on a bad note, so here's a funny video to close it out. See ya'll again soon!
-----> Stolen And I Know It... <------

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