Wednesday, April 17, 2013

To Save a Life

So here it is guys,

still laid off right now, so the girlfriend and I wanted to sit down and have a nice chill movie night. We check Netflix and there's nothing on. I told her to choose a genre and I would choose a movie. She says gore. (Isn't she great? lol) We can't find any good gore movies. So I say to myself "OK. What kind of movies do I have on my laptop? I think I'll check." :) I stumble across a movie I haven't seen for quite some time now. It's called To Save A Life.

The whole premise of the movie is teen suicide. Here's the story line:

Jake Taylor has everything. He has a beautiful girl, he's the champion in basketball and beer pong, and everyone loves him. Then, an old childhood friend, whom Jake used to be friends with, commits suicide. Jake begins to think. He wonders what he could've done to save his friend's life. A youth minister tells him that Jake needs God. So Jake becomes a Christian. However, things begin to spin out of control. His dad is cheating on his mom, his girlfriend is pregnant, and his former friends ridicule and mock him. During all this, Jake is going to realize just what it means to be a Christian and how, to save a life.

OK, so I cheated. Copied and pasted that one straight from IMDB. My English teacher's would not be proud of me...

It's a really good movie that really hits home for me. I mean, here's this guy who has this really good friend and he leaves him behind for all the things a high school kid wants. He's a star athlete, he's got a scholarship lined up with his dream school, he's got the head cheerleader girlfriend, Mr. Popular, and then the friend he left behind feels alone, like nobody cares, and commits suicide. Trying not to throw in any spoilers here, gonna make you go watch it. :)

This one is near and dear to my heart, I did know some people that committed suicide and plenty more that tried. However, that's not the specific reason why. I don't see it as a tribute or anything to those I knew, more of a spark that may bring about a revolution. The "shot heard 'round the world" for teen suicide. It's becoming the next high school epidemic. It is a very large problem. It's bigger than teen pregnancy, it's bigger than drugs, it's a huge freakin deal.

If any of my readers out there are struggling with anything, I'm here if you need anything. Please, if you are looking to reach out and just don't know who to reach out to, i'm here. It's completely anonymous unless you tell me your name. is my email. I'm here. 

If there's someone you can relate to, it'd be the girlfriend. She has struggled with some stuff of her own as well as having a lot of friends that have tried and a lot that have succeeded. Here is the link to her blog. She's posting something right now that may help and she said that she may be posting a blog about her experiences at a later date.

Just above all, remember that you're not alone. There are others struggling with the exact same things and there are those out there who care about you. Now, if you're not someone who is struggling with a problem such as this (or something else of a serious nature), then the chances are that you know someone who is. Keep your eyes open and for the love of God, reach out to them. I just ask that you care about those around you. Be aware of the things going on in the lives of those you interact with and don't be afraid or "too cool" to say something. Don't be too cool to care, because that in and of itself makes you very uncool...

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