Saturday, April 6, 2013

Latest update

Hey there blog fans. Here's the update on the situation with the girlfriend.

The sources I had that were feeding this information to me turned out to be worthless so far. One of her friends told me as little as possible and then disappeared. A different friend straight up refused to give me information. The girl on KIK that messaged me never showed up to the meet. Her ex boyfriend's baby momma wasn't a credible source to start with, and her ex won't answer the phone for anyone.

Not exactly sure what to believe here. I mean, the information I was given is sketchy at best but at the same time, this wouldn't be the first time she has lied to me.

She is completely financially dependent on me right now. We gave up her car because we couldn't afford it and I had a car so we only have 1 vehicle now. She had a promising interview at a local Apple store but she hasn't gotten the job yet so she has no income at all and quite a bit due in bills every month. If I leave, she is completely helpless.

I'm not the kind of person to not help someone in need. Never have been. Never will be. But I don't know if I can handle the lies and deceit anymore. It's not right. Should I keep putting myself through this? Should I hang on to the relationship that now has no trust? Should I ride it out and hope for the best? Or do I leave and start with a fresh slate? I just don't know what to do...

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