Saturday, April 27, 2013

It's ball season!!

Hey there blog fans. Sorry it's been awhile. Been busy moving to a new place and trying to take care of some other important things.

So I've been laid off for a couple of weeks now, and money is getting kind of tight. I have to do something to be able to pay my bills. I am still actively seeking a job in construction. In fact, I picked up some side work this coming week rebuilding part of a deck.

But my main money maker as of this week is going to be umpiring for local youth baseball. I used to do this awhile back but with all my training for the Corps and school and work and whatever other excuse you can think of, I haven't been doin this for awhile now.

It's a pretty fun job. It does tend to get frustrating at times though. You always have that one coach who thinks he knows the rulebook better than you. Or that one fan who thinks that he's the coach from outside the fence. Or that one fan that just heckles you and the other team and generally pisses you off. But it's all definitely manageable.

It pays pretty well. Can't complain about that. It's not what I'd make in a 70 hour week at my last job but it'll cover the bills for the time being. Who knows, maybe my work schedule will allow me to continue to do it when i get a job? I don' know. We'll find out.

Keep me in thoughts and prayers as I look for a job. I could use all the help I can get.

Sorry this is so short, just felt bad for not posting. There'll be more to come soon! Promise!

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