Friday, April 5, 2013

First Post, Deep Thoughts

Hey ya'll. I'm Dickie H. This is my first blog so bear with me, I'll get better I promise. A little background on me first, I'm a simple guy. Grew up in a nice home, never went without. Things were tough at times but my parents made sure I was provided for. My parents got married 4 months after I was born. Not a shotgun wedding, they were previously engaged. High school sweethearts that tied the knot. It's truly a story that you don't hear about that much anymore because this year they will celebrate their 21st anniversary. :) As i'm sure many of you well know, this is not the norm anymore in today's society. Anyhow, I grew up playing baseball and got into the music program at school. I played Snare Drum in the High School Marching Band. Had everything set.

After High School I enlisted in the United States Marine Corps. I love the Corps. It is probably the best decision I ever made for my life. I am in the Reserves so I only go once a month and for two weeks in the summer, but it has taught me so much about responsibility and self motivation. I don't know what I'd do without the things I've learned there. After returning from training, I worked a couple of dead end jobs until one of my Marine buddies convinced me to join the Carpenters Union. Love what I do. I'll say it again I LOVE WHAT I DO! It's great to start with a pile of wood or steel and finish with a beautiful project. :) Maybe I'll post up pictures of some of my stuff in later blogs. You guys might like that.

OK, so now onto the real topic of my post tonight (this morning?). Relationship trouble. Just what everyone wants to read about right? I'll give you the whole story from the beginning.

There I was one day sittin at home after what seemed like my millionth ten hour shift in a row. I checked my Facebook like anyone else my age does in their spare time. I come across a post from a lovely girl who happens to be dating one of my friends from my unit in the Corps. She seemed distressed with no one to help. I did what any good Marine, or good friend for that matter, would do and messaged her to see if I could help. We started texting and she told me that she was worried because the Marine she was seeing at the time was talking to some girl non stop. Now, this girl lives across the pond in England so I was really confused as to why she was worried, but with today's technology I suppose there are certain things you can do or see even over that great of a distance. I told her it wasn't a big deal, that he was a great guy and he would never do anything to hurt her. Talking him up. Making him a freakin hero. Seriously, you woulda thought he was George Washington leading the uprising against England. She accepts it and moves on.

About a month later, on new year's eve, I get a text from her. He's hanging all over this girl at a new year's party they were at and he disappeared for quite some time on a "beer run" that was just him and her. She was in all kinds of shambles worried about it. Again, I told her how great he was and that there was nothing to worry about. Well, that conversation just never stopped. She would text me whenever she could and I would text her every chance I got. Hell, I would even stay up after work to call her while she was driving from one job to her second job to make sure she got there safe. I was genuinely concerned about her safety and well being. After awhile I started realizing that I had feelings for her, and to make a long story short, He's gone and I am now living under the same roof as her. I'll refer to her as "the girlfriend". :)

Well, during that first week that we were together, before I moved in with her, she went back to her ex twice. The story goes, the three of us (me, her, and her ex) sat down one day and made her choose between us. She chose me but, they were living together at the time and she gave in to his "charm" if you will and told him that she loved him and made a mistake. We got together and talked again and she again chose me. Well, it happened again. She said the same things...again... so we kissed and made up and I decided that if we were to stay together, that he would have to move out. He did.

Well, right after he left, she lost two jobs in one week. She no longer had any income and had quite a bit of bills. So, because of an incident that happened at my house and the fact that she needed help, I moved in. I've been living here for a little over two months now. The deal that we had was that she would not contact her ex and he would not contact her. Yesterday I found out that she has been talking to him regularly on the phone for the last two months. His name is still on our lease so she claims that they were talking about the lease. Also, that he is blackmailing her by saying that he'd tell me that they were talking and I would leave her.

Do I believe her? I want to. I really do. But, with the background that you all know concerning the first week we had together, it's tough. I mean, some of these conversations were almost two hours long and they all happened while I was at work. I work 70 hours a week with a two hour drive one way. I'm spending 14-15 hours a day away from here. Then there's also this random person that hit me up on KIK saying that the girlfriend and her ex have been talking and hanging out at my house and at his apartment. I'm really concerned now. I am going to meet with this random individual and see what they have in terms of proof of this. We shall see. I'll be sure to post a blog about it so you all are updated. :) Tune in to find out!

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