Monday, April 15, 2013

I'm Shipping up to Boston...

Hey there blog fans!

Sorry, I know it's been awhile since I posted. Been busy. A lot of things goin on. I'll give you a quick update. Had drill this past weekend. gone for a few days, started talking to my father again and am going to try and fix that relationship (not quite time to fix things with my mom yet but ya gotta start somewhere), and i'm looking at moving to a new place soon :). Things are beginning to look up a bit, especially after the emotion filled weekend I had about  two weeks ago. Read the very first few posts if you don't know what I'm talking about. Very entertaining. lol

OK, well it's kinda obvious what I'm going to post about. It's probably going to be the topic of the night on blogs everywhere, it already is on Facebook, Tumblr, etc. The bombing at the Boston Marathon.

This is a HUGE tragedy. My heart as well as my thoughts and prayers go out to the people involved and their families. I am sorry for the loss of the two, and I hope that those injured heal quickly and painlessly. The Boston Marathon Finish Line is supposed to be a time of happiness. This is the race that qualifies you to compete internationally. Reaching the end should be a good thing. Unfortunately it was turned into a time to mourn.

It's been labeled a terrorist attack. Being a military man, this raises a lot of concerns. Who did it? Why? Where are they from? Are we going to go go put a coyote tan, rough and tough, beat up combat boot up their ass? I've been in the Marine Corps for 2 1/2 years now and have not yet deployed. I was set to go on one but it got cancelled. No harm, no foul. I wanted to go though. I was really disappointed that it didn't work out. So I'm not going to say I'm hoping this turns out to be a terrorist group, but I can't say that I'm not either.

As for the scale of the attack, I don't know if it is or not. It could be a domestic issue for all we know. Considering the different attacks that have gone on recently by our own people, I wouldn't say that it's too far of a stretch of the imagination. We've had some seriously messed up stuff happen recently. School shootings? Seriously? That is absolutely ridiculous. To shoot up an elementary school full of innocent children. Come on now. But is planting explosives at the finish line of the biggest marathon in the country too far of a stretch from there?

Then there's the theory running around that the government did it. This theory always runs around about everything. Truly, I don't believe it. The idea is that the government is going to use this attack as a means to an end on pushing through some legislation about gun control or some other measure that will seem completely necessary because of this. Maybe it's because I'm in the military, maybe it's because I'm overly patriotic, and maybe it's because I'm just too naive to believe it but I don't think that our government would approve the murder of innocent civilians (including children) in order to pass legislation. It's a bit of a paranoid and ridiculous claim in my humble opinion.

There is also a theory that I saw that the group Anonymous did it. now this is a truly ludacris theory. I've seen things from this group. They don't actually do physical harm from my understanding. They will make your life a living hell by putting every little tid bit of information about you out in public. They make it available to anyone and everyone and it's up to us as the public to decide what to do if anything. To say that they did this is ridiculous. Hell, I'd probably even say that it would be one corrupt crook in the government that pulled some strings before I would say it was them.

So there's a picture running around the internet of the first blast going off. If you look at the building to the left of the image, there is a single man standing on top of the roof. He has an amazing vantage point of the finish line, as well as the two bombs that detonated and the third one that was found before it was detonated. I'm not going to straight accuse him of pushing a button, but it's really hard not to see it as a possibility. Here's the pic...

See? Kinda hard to say for sure from the picture. For all we know it could have been an employee at that building or a tenant if it's an apartment building or something that just wanted to get a view of the finish line. I can't say. It is kind of an odd coincidence though.

Regardless of who, how, when, where, or why, it is a wrong to the human race. We didn't get to the top of the food chain by killing each other. We didn't create the things we have created by disrespecting other humans. This shit needs to stop. World peace is unattainable and quite frankly, puts me out of a job. However, we as Americans need to stop allowing this kind of stuff to happen. We don't need more laws to tell us what's safe and whatnot. We don't need laws to protect us. We need good citizens who are always aware of what is going on around them and taking care of each other. If you see someone put something kind of sketchy into a garbage can at a marathon race, say something. Do something. Don't sit by and wait for the police or the government to do something, take the initiative and do it yourself. Actually care about someone other than yourself.

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